Book List

Queen Mary Kindergarten, Kakkon, Hoshiarpur Books Followed For The Session 2025 - 2026

Class Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
Nursery English Oral and Written
  1. Begin with Alphabet
  2. My School Rhymes - A
  1. Amenta Publications
  2. Essons Publications
Maths Oral and Written Maths Pre-Primer Eklavya Learners Publication
Drawing Creative Champs Jay Cee Publications
G.K Oral My First Picture Kid's World
LKG English Oral and Written
  1. Songs the Letters Sing
  2. My School Rhymes - B
  3. Let's Talk English Introductory - B
  1. Pansy Pan Publication
  2. Essons Publications
  3. Amenta Publications
Maths Oral & Written Maths Primer - A Eklavya Learners Publishing
Drawing Art Creations Kids World Educational Books
G.K Oral Fun with Pictures Kids World Educational Books
Punjabi Oral Gyan Jot - Akhar Gyan SP Books
English Cursive Brilliant Cursive Writing 0 Amenta Publications
UKG English Oral and Written
  1. Songs the Letter Sings
  2. My School Rhymes - C
  1. Pansy Pan Publications
  2. Essons Publications
Maths Oral & Written Maths Primer - B Eklavya Learners Publishing
Drawing Creative Champs Jay Cee Publications
Punjabi Oral Piyara Bachpan - 2 Mind Makers Publications
Punjabi Written Gyan Jot - Shabad Gyan SP Books
G.Science My Big Book of Play and Learn Kids World Educational Books
English Cursive Brilliant Cursive Writing 1 Amenta Publications

Mount Carmel School, Kakkon Hoshiarpur Punjab

Class 1
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Spotlight on Grammar Creative Kids/Cordova
2 English Literature Blooms English Reader - 1 Cordova
3 Maths Foundational Stage Mathematics - 1 Focus Learning
4 EVS Sprouts - 1 Manu Prakashan
5 Computer Logic 2.0 - 1 Kips
6 Moral Science Inspiring Souls Acevision
7 Punjabi Maa Boli Punjabi Path Mala - 0 Manu Prakashan
8 Hindi (PB) Candid Apoorva Hindi Parveshika Evergreen
9 Cursive Writing My Handwriting part 1 Alphonsa Publications
10 Conversation Candid Conversation Candid
11 Drawing Art Excellence 1 Essons
12 Tables Table Book Alphonsa Publications
Class 2
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Spotlight on Grammar Creative Kids/Cordova
2 English Literature Blooms English Reader - 2 Cordova
3 Maths Foundation Mathematics - 2 Goyal Brothers
4 EVS Sprouts - 2 Manu Prakashan
5 Computer Logix 2.0 - 2 Kips
6 Moral Science Light to my Step - 2 Marina Publication
7 Punjabi Maa Boli Punjabi Path Mala - 1 Manu Prakashan
8 Hindi (PB) Srishti Hindi Path Pustak - 1 Evergreen
9 Cursive Writing My Handwriting part 2 Alphonsa Publications
10 Conversation Candid Conversation 2 Candid
11 Drawing Art Excellence 2 Essons
12 Tables Table Book Alphonsa Publications
Class 3
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Spotlight on Grammar Creative Kids
2 English Literature Blooms English Reader - 3 Cordova
3 Maths Foundation Mathematics - 3 Goyal Brothers
4 G.Science Jay Cee's Science Forever - 3 Jay Cee Publication
5 SST Earth and Beyond - 4 Blue Print Education
6 Computer Tech Tales - 3 Avaratan
7 Moral Science Empowering Ethics Shalom Education
8 Punjabi Maa Boli Punjabi Path Mala - 2 Manu Prakashan
9 Rabab Punjabi Vyakaran ate Rachanawali - 1 SP Books
10 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 3 Evergreen Publications
11 Candid Saral Hindi Vyakaran - 3 Evergreen Publications
12 Cursive Writing My Calligraphy Book 3 My Stone Education (Gill)
13 Conversation Candid Conversation 3 Candid
14 Drawing Art Excellence 3 Essons
15 G.K GK WHIZ 3 Frank
Class 4
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Spotlight on Grammar Creative Kids
2 English Literature Blooms English Reader - 4 Cordova
3 Maths Foundation Mathematics - 4 Goyal Brothers Prakashan
4 G.Science Jay Cee's Science Forever - 4 Jay Cee Publication
5 SST Earth and Beyond - 4 Blue Print Education
6 Computer Tech Tales - 4 Avaratan
7 Moral Science Inspiration for Life Mareena Publication
8 Punjabi Maa Boli Punjabi Path Mala - 3 Manu Prakashan
9 Sresht Punjabi Vyakaran ate Lekh Rachana 1 Manu Prakashan
10 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 4 Evergreen Publications
11 Candid Saral Hindi Vyakaran - 4 Evergreen Publications
12 Cursive Writing My Calligraphy Book 4 My Stone Education (Gill)
13 Conversation Candid Conversation 4 Candid
14 Drawing Art Excellence 4 Essons
15 G.K GK WHIZ 4 Frank
Class 5
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Spotlight on Grammar Creative Kids
2 English Literature Blooms English Reader - 5 Cordova
3 Maths Foundation Mathematics - 5 Goyal Brothers Prakashan
4 G.Science Jay Cee's Science Forever - 5 Jay Cee Publication
5 SST Essential Social Studies - 5 Goyal Brothers Prakashan
6 Computer Touchpad - 5 Orange
7 Moral Science Light to my Steps - 5 Marina Publications
8 Punjabi Sarab Punjabi Path Mala - 5 Mind Makers Publication
9 Ekam Punjabi Vyakaran ate Rachanwali - 5 Mind Makers Publication
10 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 5 Evergreen Publications
11 Candid Saral Hindi Vyakaran - 5 Evergreen Publications
12 Conversation Candid Conversation 5 Candid
13 Drawing Art Excellence 5 Essons
14 G.K GK WHIZ 5 Frank
15 Cursive Writing My Calligraphy Book 5 My Stone Education (Gill)
Class 6
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language A Junior English Grammar & Composition Goyal Brothers Prakashan
2 English Literature New Oxford Modern English - 6 Oxford
3 Eng Novel More tales from Shakespeare S. Chand
4 Maths Essential ICSE Mathematics - 6 Bharti Bhawan
5 Chemistry Essential ICSE Chemistry - 6 Bharti Bhawan
6 Biology Connect with Science (Biology) - 6 Oxford
7 Physics Essential ICSE Physics - 6 Bharti Bhawan
8 History & Civics A New Approach to ICSE H/C Evergreen Publications
9 Geography Exploring the World - 6 (T/B) Evergreen Publications
10 Atlas Gems Middle Atlas - 6 Ratna Sagar
11 Computer Touchpad 2.1 - 6 Orange
12 Moral Science Light up your Life - 6 Hollyhock
13 Punjabi Sarab Punjabi Path Mala - 6 Mind Makers Publications
14 Ekam Punjabi Vyakaran ate Rachanwali - 6 Mind Makers Publications
15 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 6 Evergreen Publications
16 Prakhar Hindi Vyakaran - 6 Srijan Publishers
17 Art & Activity Creative Wonder 6 Amenta
Class 7
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language A Senior English Grammar & Composition Goyal Brothers Prakashan
2 English Literature New Oxford Modern English - 7 Oxford University Press
3 English Novel The Adventure of Tom Sawyer IUP
4 Maths Essential ICSE Mathematics - 7 Bharti Bhawan
5 Chemistry Essential ICSE Chemistry - 7 Bharti Bhawan
6 Biology Connect with Science (Bio) - 7 Oxford
7 Physics Essential ICSE Physics - 7 Bharti Bhawan
8 History & Civics New Approach in History & Civics - 7 Evergreen Publications
9 Geography Exploring the World (T/B) - 7 Evergreen Publications
10 Computer Touchpad 2.1 - 7 Orange
11 Moral Science Light up your Life - 7 Hollyhock
12 Punjabi Sarab Punjabi Path Mala - 7 Mind Makers Publications
13 Ekam Punjabi Vyakaran ate Rachnawali - 7 Mind Makers Publications
14 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 7 Evergreen Publications
15 Prakhar Hindi Vyakaran - 7 Srijan Publishers
16 Art & Activity Creative Wonder 7 Amenta
Class 8
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language A Comprehensive Grammar of Current English Inter University Press
2 English Literature New Oxford Modern English - 8 Oxford University Press
3 English Novel The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn IUP
4 Maths Concise Mathematics - 8 Selina Publications
5 Chemistry Concise Chemistry - 8 Selina Publications
6 Biology Innovative Biology - 8 Goyal Brothers Publications
7 Physics Essential ICSE Physics - 8 Bharti Bhawan
8 History & Civics New Trends in History & Civics - 8 Evergreen Publications
9 Geography New Trends in Discovering World - 8 Evergreen Publications
10 Computer Trackpad 4.0 - 8 Orange Publications
11 Moral Science Ethos - A Book of Moral Values - 8 Best Way Publications
12 Punjabi Reader Sarab Punjabi Path Mala - 8 Mind Makers Publications
13 Punjabi Vyakaran Ekam Punjabi Vyakaran ate Rachnawali - 8 Mind Makers Publications
14 Hindi (PB) Candid Divyadeepti Hindi Path Pustak - 8 Evergreen Publications
15 Prakhar Hindi Vyakaran - 8 Srijan Publishers
Class 9
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Total English - 9 Morning Stars
2 English Literature Treasure Chest 9 & 10 Evergreen Publication
3 English Literature Treasure Chest Workbook Beeta Publications
4 English Workbook on Julius Caesar Morning Stars
5 English Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Text Morning Stars
6 Maths ICSE Concise Mathematics - 9 Selina Publications
7 Chemistry ICSE Concise Chemistry - 9 Selina Publications
8 Chemistry Lab Nova ICSE Chemistry Lab Manual - 9 Nova
9 Biology Concise Biology - 9 Selina Publications
10 Biology Lab Nova ICSE Biology Lab Manual - 9 Nova
11 Physics A New Approach to Physics - 9 Goyal Brothers Publications
12 Physics Lab Nova ICSE Physics Lab Manual - 9 Nova
13 History & Civics ICSE Indian History & Civics - 9 Avichal Publication
14 Geography Discovering the World - 9 Evergreen Publication
15 Computer Understanding ICSE Computer Applications with BlueJ - 10 Avichal Publications
16 Moral Science Light to My Path 9 Jonce Publications
17 Punjabi Reader Kaavi Katha Samvedna Evergreen Publication
18 Punjabi Vyakaran Shromani Punjabi Vyakaran te Rachnawali - 9 Ved Prakash and Sons Publ.
19 Punjabi Kaavi Katha Samvedna ate Manch Mehak Evergreen Publication
Class 10
S.No Subject Name of the Book Name of the Publisher
1 English Language Total English - 10 Morning Stars
2 English Literature Treasure Chest Workbook Beeta Publications
3 Maths ICSE Concise Mathematics - 10 Selina Publications
4 Chemistry ICSE Concise Chemistry - 10 Selina Publications
5 Chemistry Lab Nova ICSE Chemistry Lab Manual - 9 Nova
6 Biology ICSE Concise Biology - 10 Selina Publications
7 Biology Lab Nova ICSE Biology Lab Manual - 9 Nova
8 Physics ICSE Concise Physics - 10 Selina Publications
9 Physics Lab Nova ICSE Physics Lab Manual - 9 Nova
10 History & Civics ICSE Modern Indian History & Civics - 10 Avichal Publication
11 Geography A Textbook of ICSE Geography - 10 Goyal Brothers Publications
12 Computer Understanding ICSE Computer Applications with BlueJ - 10 Avichal Publications
13 Moral Science Garden of Values - 10 Sanjo Publications

Note: Punjabi , English Literature and comprehensive Grammar Continued from IX

Mount Carmel Sen. Sec. School, Hoshiarpur Book List XI (2025 - 26)

1 Understanding ISC Computer Science (Java with Blue J) Class – XI Arya Publishing Company
2 New Simplified Physics by S. L. Arora. A Reference Book Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3 ISC Biology for Class XI by Veer Vala Rastogi Srijan Publishers
4 ISC Chemistry Class XI (Dr. H.C. Shrivastava) Nageen Prakashan
5 ISC Commerce (Class – XI) APC Publishers
6 ISC Accounts (Class XI)
Authors – DK Goel, Rajesh Goel, Shelly Goel
APC Publishers
7 ISC Economics (Class XI) APC Publishers
8 ISC Mathematics for Class XI
Authors – OP Malhotra, S K Gupta, Anubhuti Gangal
S. Chand

Books for English Language

1 Revised Edition according to the latest syllabus Total English (with project work) – Pamela Pinto, Xavier Pinto Morning Star publishers
2 ISC – Art of effective English writing for class XI –Meena Singh, O P Singh S. Chand

Books for English Literature

1 Rhapsody( A collection of ISC Poems) Evergreen Publications
2 Prism (A collection of ISC Short stories ) Evergreen Publications
3 ISC Shakespeare Series Macbeth(Text with Paraphrase) Beeta Publications
4 ISC Shakespeare Series Macbeth (workbook) Beeta Publications
5 Prism & Rhapsody, ISC collection of Short stories & Poems(W/B) Beeta Publications

List of books for Std. XII (2025 - 2026)

1 Understanding ISC Computer Science (Java with Bluej) – XII Arya publishers Company
2 Revised Edition Total English – 12 ISC by Xavier Pinto Morning Star publishers
3 ISC Economics – XII Arya publishers Company
4 ISC Commerce – XII Arya publishers Company
5 ISC Accounts – XII Avianchal Publishers Company (APC)
6 ISC New Simplified Physics XII SL Arora
7 ISC Biology – XII Veer Bala Rastogi
8 ISC Chemistry – XII Nootan Publishers/Vatsal Publisher
9 ISC Mathematics – XII Authors – SK Gupta and OP Malhotra – S. Chand Publishers

Books for English Literature

1 Rhapsody ( A collection of ISC Poems) continued from XI Evergreen Publications
2 Prism (A collection of ISC Short stories ) continued from XI Evergreen Publications
3 ISC Shakespeare Series Macbeth (Text with Paraphrase) Same Beeta Publications
4 ISC Shakespeare Series Macbeth (workbook) continued from XI Beeta Publications
5 Prism & Rhapsody, ISC collection of Short stories & Poems (W/B) PART- 2 Beeta Publications

Chemistry, Physics, Biology Lab Manual Nova